
Never take them as they are, but as they should be

"Then, on October 19, 1944, he was transported to Auschwitz concentration camp, where he was processed and spent a number of days[6] and then was moved to Türkheim, another Nazi concentration camp affiliated with Dachau, where he arrived on October 25, 1944, and was to spend 6 months and 2 days working as a slave-labourer. Meanwhile, his wife had been transferred to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where she was murdered; his father passed away of pulmonary edema and pneumonia in Theresienstadt camp, and his mother was sent to Auschwitz from Theresienstadt and was murdered there as well.
On April 27, 1945, Frankl was liberated by the Americans. Among his immediate relatives, the only survivor was his sister, who had escaped by emigrating to Australia.
It was due to his and others' suffering in these camps that he came to his hallmark conclusion that even in the most absurd, painful and dehumanized situation, life has potential meaning and that therefore even suffering is meaningful."

Às vezes, confundo-me e julgo-me um misantropo.

Na verdade, sou um filantropo. De outro modo, já teria desistido de procurar a humanidade e fazer dela uma utopia realizada. E é este espírito filantrópico, suspeito, que me sustenta.

"If we take man as he is, we make him worse. If we take him as he should be, we make him capable of becoming what he can be." With a lot of accent, doctor Frankl. But, above all, with a lot of heart.

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